Big Picture Splitter 15/09/14


ORF: OECD – Verklausulierte Warnung vor dem Crash

Eine düstere Wirtschaftsprognose hat die OECD am Montag vorgelegt. Die reihenweise nach unten korrigierten Erwartungen in allen großen Volkswirtschaften sind nicht einmal das Schlimmste daran – sondern die Warnung, dass nicht einmal die gute Laune an den Börsen etwas wert sei, sondern dass vielmehr aufgrund allzu großer „Euphorie“ bald eine „jähe Korrektur“ der Kurswerte drohe. Neben der verklausulierten Warnung vor einem Crash gibt es aber laut der OECD noch „Beunruhigenderes“, nämlich die Wirtschaftslage in Europa.


The BRICS Post: China, Russia to jointly face external challenges

Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, met in Dushanbe, capital of Tajikistan, on Thursday ahead of the 14th summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).The two allies discussed “pressing issues of bilateral cooperation, particularly in energy, aircraft engineering and infrastructure”, said a Kremlin statement.


Financial Times: Gas war is next phase of Russia-Ukraine conflict

The chances of a lasting ceasefire in the conflict in eastern Ukraine are looking better. But the cessation of military hostilities will only mark the outbreak of a new fight: the gas war between Russia and Ukraine is about to restart and will probably come to a head in January, when Ukraine risks running out of gas.


Financial Times: Xi to meet Modi amid shift in Sino-Indian ties

The common wisdom has been that China and India have nothing in common – except size. But that is changing.


Moscow Times: Russia-Europe Ties Must Get Back on Track

Russian-European relations continue to be vitally important. Multiple issues from energy security to stabilizing Eurasia and the Middle East would stand a better chance of being resolved if these ties grow stronger, not weaker.



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